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‘Take control of your life.’

Norfolk Life Coach

‘If you don’t like the situation you are in, change it. You are in control of your own life.’ Anonymous

Sounds so easy doesn’t it?! But as anyone who has found themselves in a difficult situation, (that’s everyone then!) it really is very rarely that simple.

We all find ourselves in a rut sometimes, maybe that job we thought was going to be so interesting or that idea we could have bet our lives would be super successful didn’t quite turn out how we were hoping. Sometimes we find ourselves with a problem that just seems to be too big to solve.

In times like these you could just battle on, on your own, trying this approach, then that. Taking time to research solutions, reading articles and googling ideas to take forward. But you could instead find a lifecoach to support you. Someone you can trust to be confidential and professional, creative and challenging. Someone who has experience of asking the right questions, focusing on the important parts and someone who can work with you to develop an action plan with ‘doable’ steps. Someone you can continue to ‘check in’ with overtime to keep you on track and provide useful strategies to support your ongoing self - development.

The purpose of a lifecoach is to facilitate change within the individual who is open to learning. Lifecoaching is the use of one’s own skills, strengths and abilities to enable another person to undergo any necessary changes to become a ‘no limits’ winner.

The ultimate goal is to enable the client to:

  • Re-assess his/her current life

  • Re– establish his/her definition of success

  • Give him/herself new targets

  • Modify old routines and habits

  • Develop personal confidence and self esteem

  • Overcome problems and challenges

Idea for today: Do you currently find yourself with a difficult situation to solve? Or maybe you have an idea you think could be really helpful to others?

I remember several times during my life when I have really valued working with a lifecoach, probably the most important was around seven years ago when I needed to decide whether to leave my job at the village school which I loved, to take up an opportunity at a city school. I just could not decide what to do. I had been ‘Acting Head’ for around 18 months at my village school at which I had taught from being an NQT and I had made some wonderful friends. I knew the families and had everything working well. The time was coming for me to become the ‘substantive head’.

I had not even thought of moving jobs until someone (I cannot remember who) made a throw away comment...’Have you ever looked anywhere else?”

I had not! I had always enjoyed working at this school and so I had never given it a moments consideration, but now…the seed had been planted! There were circumstances which did make me look elsewhere and as luck would have it, I did find a vacancy in a school, which seemed similar to mine but bigger and on the outskirts of the city.

I visited and filled in the application form as the deadline was approaching, but I really could not be sure I wanted to make this move. I kept my cards close to my chest, but I did discuss with a few close friends and they all gave me different opinions, which really did not help at all! I decided I needed to speak with a lifecoach and contacted the person I had used before in my career.

A lifecoach does not give you the answers, but their skill lies in listening and asking the right questions. Questions which will get you thinking at a wider level than you could have done on your own. A good lifecoach will support you to decide what steps you could take to solve your problem or achieve your goal, and they will be part of that journey supporting and challenging you to be the best you can be. A good lifecoach will facilitate your thinking and provide strategies to build your resilence so that even when things don’t go the way you had planned, you will be able to manage those situations and continue to move forward.

So, that problem or great idea? Would a lifecoach be helpful? Could I facilitate your thinking?

I use a range of ways to communicate with clients…face to face, online video calls, telephone, email…if you would like to contact me, see the details below.


  • Want to Explore this Further?

This video explains the role of a lifecoach

  • Take Action

If you want to work with me, contact me on


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"Your attitude determines your direction"

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