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‘Summer Holiday Blues? ’

Norfolk Life Coach

‘There are moments when I wish I could roll back the clock and take all the sadness away, but I have the feeling that if I did, the joy would be gone as well.’ –RM Drake (alias Robert Macias Drake- instagram poet)

Three days to go before we start our summer break from school. We expect all the children to be excited and the staff to be looking forward to a well- deserved rest. Comments such as, ‘not long now’, ‘just a few more days’, ‘can’t wait’ can be heard between staff and parents coming and going.

But look deeper, is every child really looking forward to six weeks of no routine, no regular contact with friends, maybe no lunch, nowhere to go, nothing to do? Is every member of staff looking forward to no routine, no regular contact with colleagues, maybe nothing interesting to do?

Long summer holidays can present their own problems and although school staff need time to re-cooperate from the hectic schedule and pressure of the school year, those imagined hazy days of summer can be a time of loneliness and boredom for some people. There are also many children who will not have a wide range of experiences to enjoy, whose parents have to work so childcare is a problem, who have no spare cash to spend on a holiday or even days out. Parents who find providing the extra meals is a struggle and children always seem so hungry during the holidays don’t they?!

Idea for today: Write yourself a summertime 'To Do' list.

I myself find the summer holidays can be a difficult time. I no longer have children at home to keep amused and give me the excuse to spend days out at the beach, park or enjoy more expensive treats such as the zoo or amusement park. As a self-confessed workaholic with the patience of a gnat I now look to the summer as a time to spend on all those things I don’t get time to fully concentrate on during the rest of the year, such as, learning more about subjects I am interested in, reading books I want to read, rather than books which are helpful to my work. I enjoy catching up with friends and family on weekdays not limited to a few hours if I am lucky at the weekend. I write myself a list of things I want to do plus the boring jobs I really should do, my cupboards are an eyesore! (if I do half of these I am happy!).

We need to learn to be kind to ourselves and accept that if we are having a sad day, then that is OK. The quote at the beginning of this blog says it all…

We need to realise that it is OK to have these negative feelings about the holidays. There is actually a condition ‘Summertime SAD’ which is a seasonal affective disorder, similar to the more common winter depressive disorder. Caused by disrupted schedules, body image issues, financial worries and simply the heat, symptoms can be loss of appetite, trouble sleeping, anxiety and weight loss.

There are things we can do to feel better. For example, ensure we do get enough sleep, exercise regularly but don’t overdo it, go for a mindful walk, eat well and try to identify the triggers of your feelings of depression. Maybe you suffered the loss of a loved one during the summer or went through a difficult relationship breakdown. Planning your holiday can help too, write that list and think of some interesting and fun things you would like to do. Don’t beat yourself up if you don’t do them all, instead, expect not to complete everything but look at your list as a guide rather than an obligation.

If things become very difficult, talk to your doctor. There is always a place for medication if this is an appropriate course of action.

There will be times of pure joy too. As simple as sitting in the sun with a good book noticing the warmth of the sun, or laughing with friends over a slice of cake and a cup of tea. Without the low times we will not appreciate the moments of happiness, so try to remember that when you are feeling down…tomorrow you will smile!


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