‘It was a different world then. It was a world that required young men like myself to be prepared to die for a civilization that was worth living in.’ – Harry Read, British D-Day veteran
I have been incredibly moved this week by the news reports covering the 75th anniversary of the D Day landings and I felt I wanted to share my thoughts.
We do take our modern lives for granted and it is only on occasions such as this week’s remembrance events that we think more deeply about how we should value our free and comparatively safe society. I am aware that there are many areas of our country now where knife crime seems to be out of control and poverty seems to be increasing, but when we compare our lives to those of others across the world, we must appreciate the lives we can lead.
We have free speech, most of us have enough food, a roof over our heads and can walk down the street without being frightened of bombs or shootings. I do not glorify war but I do believe we need to be grateful for those soldiers in the past who have fought for our freedom and for those soldiers today who continue to fight for not only our safety but for that of people living in other countries.

I had planned to write today’s blog about determination and when thinking about what to include, my mind instantly related this strength to the current news story of the D Day landings. As I researched articles to find an inspiring and thought evoking quote I found several videos and news reports which are touching and emotive. The quote I have used at the beginning of this blog, made me stop and think about how times have changed.
Idea for today: Would you be willing to risk everything for something you believe in?
I am a pretty determined person and I hope that I live by my principles, I know sticking up for something I believe in has got me into a few difficult situations in the past but I do find it hard to back down if I believe my values are at stake. However, would I be brave enough to put myself into the position that those brave soldiers put themselves in during those terrible landings? Would I be able to put my country before myself? I guess none of us can really answer that question until it is upon us, but I am not sure I would have such courage.
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