‘There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.’ Quote by Albert Einstein
Stop, look, listen. It sounds corny but this is such a simple way to notice what is going on around you. And what is going on around you is life! It’s amazing. It is a sight, it has a smell, a sound…if you don’t stop to appreciate it you will miss so much. We are on this earth for such a short time, don’t forget how precious each moment is.
If you are thinking ‘What a load of…’ I know where you are coming from because that is what I used to think. I was on that treadmill, I had places to go, people to see…I had no time to stop and appreciate what was around me. I had my targets to hit, I had to be the best, everything I did was in a rush. And was I happy? Did I feel each day when I got home that I had achieved anything worthwhile? Yes, sometimes I did, but most of the time I got home feeling worthless and tired. I thought about how other people had been better than me, I had a vision of myself in which people looked at me and asked “Who does she think she is?”
It was not until I began a course on ‘positive psychology’ that I gave myself time to reflect on my life and think about what I was grateful for. I began a ‘Gratitude Journal’ because that was something the course expected and it was a true eye opener. Although I poo pooed the idea at the beginning I followed the course instructions and started my journal…and it did change my life.
Idea for today: Begin your Gratitude Diary.
Get yourself a notebook, it does not have to be anything special. Write today’s date and then note 3 things you have been grateful for today.
They don’t have to be big things, in fact the smaller the better.
Today the 3 things I am grateful for are:
The sun was shining when I awoke
My son came over and I cooked breakfast
I was motivated to research and write another blog.
Another step for the diary is to think of good intentions for the next day. This process helps you to expect a positive day.
My good intentions for tomorrow are to:
Notice the sky as I drive to work
Thank someone for something they have done
Cook a delicious dinner for my partner when I get home.
Want to Explore this Further?
Watch this amazing, inspiring Ted Talk, You may need tissues!
· Take Action
If you want to work with me to explore your feelings of gratitude contact me on isabel@norfolklifecoach.co.uk
Or visit my website https://www.norfolklifecoach.co.uk