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‘Are you living your best life?’

Norfolk Life Coach

‘The biggest adventure you can take is to live the life of your dreams.’ Oprah Winfrey

The ‘life of our dreams’ sounds very exciting, high end and even a little celebrity influenced! But in reality, that life we all aim for can be very simple and achievable.

The life of your dreams maybe one in which you are working in a job which fulfils you, whatever that job maybe.

The life you dream of, maybe one where you have the time to do the things that you enjoy.

Simply having enough money is crucial, to pay the bills and enable you to enjoy some non-essential items and experiences. We all live different lives with different expectations and values and that is OK.

We don’t all crave celebrity status and want to live in the fast lane. We maybe content to stay at home, find peace in our gardens and spend time with our close family and friends. There are certain things we need to live a comfortable life and we cannot ignore the fact that we all need financial security, a roof over our heads and good health. But apart from these three things, what else do we crave? You may enjoy eating out, travelling, taking part in or watching sport. You may want children, pets, a hobby or enjoy spending time on social media.

Your profession maybe important to you, you maybe working to progress and succeed in your chosen career.

Be aware that as we grow older our goals change and these changes can be surprising to us. I am very close to retiring in my career as a headteacher and although I still strive to do the best I can and provide the best education and environment for our children and staff, I can feel my goals altering. I am looking forward to having more time to spend with my family and friends, time to travel and time to devote to my lifecoaching. I have plans in my head to deliver more training and I would love to run retreats with other likeminded people. I did not realise that I would be excited about this changing time in my life, but as it gets nearer, I feel uplifted and rejuvenated.

We all experience change in our lives, sometimes planned, sometimes unexpected. I believe it is important to embrace change and look for the positives. Our lives are all different and each is an adventure. The crucial point is to be appreciative and try to make our life the happiest one that we can.

Idea for today: Write a list of 5 things that you love about your life now and 5 things you could look forward to as time changes.

This will remind you of the good parts of your life that we sometimes overlook and it will focus your mind as to the things you want in the future. By reflecting and looking forward we can have clarity over what we really enjoy in our life and we can start making the steps we need to move toward the life we actually want. Often we get busy in day to day living and we become unclear about what we are actually spending most of our time on. Do you love to spend time with your children but in reality find you are spending more time cleaning the house? Could you streamline that cleaning schedule? Could you proactively plan in quality time with your children?

If you want to spend more time travelling, could you plan weekends away and ensure you leave work on time on Friday so you can get on the road in good time.

Maybe you love to exercise but often feel too tired after a day at work. Could you get up earlier and exercise before everyone else is up?

Whatever we decide to do, we need to remember that we all live different lives and each is our individual adventure. The crucial point is to be appreciative and endeavour to make our life the best we can for us.

· Want to Explore this Further?

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